Making Money in Online Pakistan
Friday, December 24, 2010
Read Year end blogging review - 2010 here.
Labels: Fine Art of Blogging
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 7:01 PM,
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Opening ceremony and press conference Mud Housing Project
Monday, December 20, 2010
Mr Dauth from German Embassy and guests with Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch and Thikedar Mr Iqbalon Mud Housing Project from Appropriate Technology in Green Acre, Peerzada Cultural Complex, Lahore
Visitors from Punjab University with Prof Mansoor Durrani discussing Mud Housing Project and applications of Appropriate Technology at Peerzada Cultural Complex, Lahore
Posters display (about Mud Housing and Appropriate Technology), TTTC from AFA had inspired SPARC (NGO) Lahore for this project. TTTC in TGD is working in close cooperation with CAT in Bamenda
Visitors in Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka (AFA-TTTC), with Mr Farooq about Kite Project for electricity production
Members from Lahore Mud Housing Project talking with Mr Farooq discussing about Mud Houses and Appropriate Technology
Labels: Mud Housing Project
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:50 AM,
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The Convocation
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Labels: Lahore School of Economics
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:42 AM,
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Social Media
Monday, December 6, 2010
Use of social media applications is being debated across the World Wide Web. Fans support the usage of tools like Blog, tweet, Facebook to break down barriers between businesses, public servants and ordinary people to discuss ideas and gather feedback. Trend watches and analysts still see the social media tools as time wasting diversions. It is in this milieu that we need to look at the fast growing social media usage in our own, still low tech, corporate and public sectors.
Read Social Media in the Attention Age by S A J Shirazi
Labels: Attention Age
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:00 PM,
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