Society for the Promotion of Art and Culture

Mud Day

Here's mud in your eye. And your hair, back and legs.
It was a mother's nightmare and a kid's fantasy come true. Hundreds of children on Tuesday jumped into a 75-by-150-foot mud pit as part of the 26th annual Mud Day at a park in the Detroit suburb of Westland.
Events included wheelbarrow races and a game of limbo.
A panel of judges selected a king and queen, based on their creative uses of mud.
Emily Cunningham of Riverview was chosen Queen of Mud.
A crown was placed atop the 8-year-old's head, which was caked in mud and adorned with leaves and a stick. She says, "It's fun getting mud all over you."
And after it was over, the Western Wayne Hazmat team was there to hose off the kids.


posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:46 AM, No comment,

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