Society for the Promotion of Art and Culture

Congratulation to Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch

We are very happy to receive the news from Cameroon regarding award of honour to Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch.
Prof. Pintsch is associated with SPARC in different projects since a very long time. Dr. Norbert is one of the most consultant and advisor. It is due to his efforts that we have been able to step-wise spread the advantages of mud construction and other innovations through publications workshops and on ground constructions. What is more, the partnership with SPOCA (Bangladesh), SPATH (Cameroon) and SPAET (COLOMBIA) as well as FBWT (Germany) has made an international cooperation possible and mutually beneficial.
Hearties congratulations to Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12:30 PM, No comment,

Handicrafts from Tibet

I came upon Silver Sky Imports - a wonderful marketplace that offers handicrafts from the roof of the world – while searching online. Those interested in handicrafts from tibet must have a look at the site and see what they are offering and how best.

posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12:12 PM, No comment,

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