Solar and Wind Energy in Pakistan
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
The use of sun, wind and hydro power is really nothing new. The question of energy has always arisen as the industrialization has progressed. One has however, not been able to achieve a permanent solution and rather been satisfied with purely economic and short term solutions, which have turned out to be only a deferment of the actual problem.
Solutions leading towards decentralized technical infrastructure are not popular, because they are less interesting for the industry.
Multipliers from politics, economy and science from Pakistan visited Germany, from 2nd till 26th September, and got acquainted informed about the possibilities that abound this filed.
A number of companies and projects were visited in Hamburg and Berlin for this purpose. The event with delegates from Pakistan was organized by the Near and Middle-East Association (NUMOV) / Sebastian Sons in coordination with Prof. Aamir Rafique /PU, FPAC.
Closed System, example
Solutions based upon central technical infra-structure suffer from its specialization and a missing holistic approach in the so-called Open system. We have already written about the closed system in various articles. As an extreme example of this model, we have made use of the example of a space ship on its way from the Earth to the Mars.
Material values on the Earth lose their meaning. A big house, boat, etc., luxurious clothing and food and drinks are not possible.
What appears to be quite clear and convincing in the above model looks far-fetched on the Earth. Now why should one voluntarily leave the growth oriented world? Who has the strength and wisdom to voluntarily abandon these luxuries? Why should one try out a new way of working when there is apparently no need for that?
Above questions are understandable and our ancestors from yesterday have reported on the advantages of an autonomous ways of life, far before the beginning of industrialization.
One answer is to be found in "Eigg"- What is this ? This is an approximately 40 square kilometer big island of the inner Hebrides. Less than hundred people live there and spend their life based upon public good. Here, one does not forego the advantages of the digital era, but is autonomous not only in the technical infrastructure but also in a social infrastructure.
One helps each other in house construction, is not oriented towards earning lot of money, is flexible and understands how to put various capabilities to good use; playing music is possible while helping with house construction, teaching children is still possible while working in the kitchen garden, a life without commerce and consumption, for which the urban and industrially oriented contemporaries on the mainland need money for restaurants, free time activities, shopping etc., which are not needed here.
The social life of these people revolves around their fellow citizens. Those of us who would like to be inspired can take an example from the new work methods of computer developers and service providers.
Labels: Appropriate Technology, Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch, Prof. Aamir Rafique, Solar Energy, Wind Energy
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:45 AM,
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