Preparation of Operations in March or October
Sunday, February 21, 2016
Through the NGO AFWA, experts are again to be requisitioned from SES for the areas of Basic Health + Traditional Medicine (Marlis Bartkiewitz-Schmid) and Upcycling + Handicraft (Monika Kupler).
Research in Dolls, Toys and Development
SPARC hopes together with with other institutions to win the support of the initiator of the dolls project in TGD for carrying forward the handicraft research project in Islamabad, which will benefit women of AFA and AFWA as well as students. Basics of the project have already published in a report for the National Museum LokVirsa (see Dolls, Toys and More, p. 91 - 106).
Once again via the NGO AFA and through SES support of PDP is to be requested in order to support among others the C + I.
DGFK e.V., SPARC-PROJECT, Dr Senta Siller/SES-Bonn, Prof Dr Pintsch/SES-Bonn, Marlis Bartkiewitz-Schmid /SES-Bonn, Monika Kuppler/SES-Bonn, AFA, AFWA
Labels: Dr Senta SIller, Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12:18 PM,
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