Society for the Promotion of Art and Culture

IISS / Integrated infrastructure system in a rural area

Neem Tree / Moringa Tree / Jetrupa Cures -Ph tester-Water Pump

Thanks to the digital communication and information age, people even in remote rural areas obtain news about the lives of people in the so-called industrialized countries, with all its possibilities and apparent abundance. One is inclined to share and participate in it, preferably immediately than later.

The problems behind the sham abundance are not perceived, not even by the producers, who are in fact proud of their performance: Water for all, Housing for all, etc., etc.. One cannot expect of the migrants to understand the economic ups and downs of the economic factors, - that's even true of the highly developed countries. It is like speaking of water and drinking wine. The correlations between production and commerce, consumption and uniformity are at best entertaining, - serving only as theory and as entertainment program for general distraction and targeted manipulation of the believing public and consumers. 

Background to this discussion is rural project, supposed to offer remedy through the targeted measure of providing flowing water to a basin for buffaloes and to bring the fresh water supply back on track. The process is to be accompanied by regular pH tests. The project is laudable, but lack of interest of the affected people is to be expected, who are possibly not interested in a controlled environmental pollution, or even its stoppage, and rather more interested in pursuing their internal family interests. There can also be no discussion of educational deficit or other cultures. This development is similar in the whole world: one is most interested in becoming a consumer, getting regular income, fixed breaks, - in short, the existing mistake further propagated by the media, which is erroneously perceived as progress.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12:09 PM, No comment,

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