Society for the Promotion of Art and Culture

About the Think Tank Project

by Norbert Pintsch IPC, FPAC


After sketching the topic HOUSING in three publications (Housing, Population and Housing, Systems and Housing), TTP is now entering a new phase.

Although the topic of communication and information has been treated in various essays over the years, experience has also been gained with contemporary techniques, but now the problems arising from the cultural model and its inter-dependencies, as well as system considerations on general housing meed to be discussed.

There are misunderstandings from small groups to large groups, and it is more than a miracle that an exchange is possible at all.

It is not only the basic communication, which is a problem.

If one were to orient oneself towards Wittgenstein (which one is not supposed to talk about, one has to be silent about it), then hardly any communication and information should be taking place.

In the assumption of better understanding, new terms are invented, which instead of closer definition create still new questions and thus new answers with new terms and for improvement with the same, similar or different concepts or ideas.
Already the analogue exchange of ideas on earth is more than problematic, but when the digital exchange comes into play with additional time or distance factors, then arise the real problems!

Housing in the closed system is the protection, the material protection, - the immateriality that demands the traditional humanity!

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2:28 PM, No comment,

Informal Think Tank

By Norbert Pintsch, IPC, FPAC

The idea of cooperating with others, i.e. to exchange ideas with others and to stimulate each other, this thought is not exactly new!

In the United States of America (USA), company representatives came together and established privately funded socalled Think Tanks!

In the 20th century, this idea was implemented under president Franklin Roosevelt and a new form of advice emerged.

In politics, technological and economic interests are transferred into governance process in a lobby-like manner.

Such examples are presently implemented in many countries for selfish interests and they influence politics, usually with a certain lobby in the background.

The DGFK is an altruistic example of an informal Think Tank in which SUTOL, SEMOL, SPARC, SPATH, SPAET, SPOCA, but also FPAC and FBTC exist; however they operate in a subtle and discreet manner!

An interesting project is the so called Closed System, which outlines possibilities and tendencies, also of an uncomfortable kind, which is characterized by financial independence and the personal refrain from self-projection by the co-thinkers.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 4:45 PM, No comment,

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