Study and Research Opportunities in Germany
Monday, March 16, 2020
On 5 March 2020, a seminar and expo was organized at the University of the Punjab about "Study and Research Opportunities in Germany". Dr. Inge Iqbal, Director of DAAD - German Academic Exchange Service was the main speaker and she explained in a detailed presentation the procedure for admission to German universities and getting scholarships. The event was organized jointly by IML (Partner of Goethe-Institut) and DAAD in collaboration with the Institute of Languages at the Punjab University. IML is also a partner of the FPAC (Foundation for Promotion of Academic Cooperation), which was represented at the event by its Senior Research Fellow, Prof. Dr. Norbert Pintsch from Germany.
A large number of students attended the event in the large auditorium of the Institute for Biochemistry and Biotechnology. An exchange of information took place with the students showing great interest. Prof. Dr. Fahim Aftab (Department of Botany) and Prof. Dr. Rubeena Zakir (Department of Sociology) reported on their great experiences during their research time in Germany.
Prof Dr Rubeena contributed her experience from her doctoral studies.
Prof. Aamir Rafique delivered an interesting report of possibilities of learning German language in Lahore. At the end, Pro-Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof. Dr. Saleem Mazhar congratulated the students and the organizers for the wonderful event and assured all support of the university in this regard.
Labels: Dr Inge Iqbal- Director DAAD, FPAC SPARC, Prof Aamir Rafique Director IML, Prof Dr Fahim Aftab Department of Botany, Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch FPAC SPARC, Prof Dr Saleem Mazhar Pro Vice Cancellor
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:29 AM,