SPARC Project News
Friday, April 2, 2021
The project work in the NGOs was also severely affected.
With the enclosed poster we remember the volunteers in 2019,
in Pakistan Peter Hecht and Norbert Pintsch,
in Cameroon Marlies Bartkiewitz-Schmitt, Peter Hecht and Norbert Pintsch,
in Colombia Renate Perner, Lutz Fluegge, Peter Hecht and Norbert Pintsch.
In the partner organization DGFK, the year 2020 was used for sorting, editing and archiving works.
Four books were added in the DGFK archive, which are shown in the enclosed poster.
These are authors which are directly or indirectly connected to the DGFK, partly also through the Foerderverein Cultura e.V.
Alexandra Schmitt with A Lifestyle,
Hans-Dieter Heckes with Laces,
Juergen Zeidler with Frans-Maria Ferchl and the Annals of Lithography,
Ronald Koob with Ludwig Koob, Illustration-Amgewandte Kunst
Anyone who browses through the DGFK archive, the Cultura archive or the PPP archive will find these four publications under publications by the DGFK in cooperation with Cultura e.V., which are shown in another poster.
3 essays
Project snacks
Almost sounds
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Now, in 2021, it is important to continue after overcoming physical and psychological problems. However it will not be possible to be as before because a lot of work with new challenges and initiatives is necessary in order to continue or renew what has already been started.
The young generation is in demand and has to see how they can find solutions in spite of lack of practice from the ever-present digital technology.
Those with longer life experiences are gradually disappearing in the fog of yesterday, - the young generation is aware more of tomorrow, but that too is still waiting in the fog.
The time after 2020 requires calm and cautiousness from people - some will proceed according to the motto hectic-growth-mobility, others of the younger generation will recognize opportunities and new possibilities, - in any case: It will go on, one way or the other!
To support the SSDC project, there will be a work edition in 6 chapters, which will be published piece by piece in the TK blog, as well as in the
Labels: Anees Yaqub, Cultura e V, DGFK e V, Lutz Fluegge, Marlis Bartkiewiitz chmitt, Norbert Pintsch, Peter Hecht, Renate Perner, SPARC project
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2:28 PM,
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