Society for the Promotion of Art and Culture

Progress and development, an illusion

When illusions are understood as reality

by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch

When day in and day out it is spoken about progress and developments, it is inevitable to not believe this and see it as a reality.

There is a long way to go to understand this all around as a mistake. It is very difficult, actually impossible to exclude yourself. You are part of the overall system.

The only option is to look at yourself and limit obvious undesirable developments through your own behavior.

To recognize greed in one own self, who can happily admit to that? - You had only wanted to improve a technology, wanted to optimize a process flow, wanted to help the general public through improved medical care.

The chain of wanting to do something can go on endlessly.

-whether new ways are found in the food production in which artificial meat is used and animals that are pumped full with medicines so they do not have to be kept for long,

-whether food is no longer carted over long distances and large amounts and is now replaced by local solutions,

-whether computers are increasingly used in the educational sector to improve the -supposed- educational level,

-whether the mobility is made more environmentally friendly through the use of other energies,

A look at what was originally called culture and which, due to global industrialization, now represents a fantastic civilization, actually prevents us from acknowledging the basic reality of existence: transience!

Through the mutation from childlike belief to supposed solid knowledge, from religion to science, essential basic elements of the unchangeable existence on this planet have been lost and replaced by fictitious numbers. Fiction is reflected, intentionally or unintentionally, in greed and greediness. We assume, that whatever can be numerically outlined, it exists!

At the lowest level there is poverty and hunger - values ​​that are oriented towards the upper levels and the urge and compulsion to reach to the upper levels, with better living conditions. The upper level is supposed to represent the success of a so-called research and development schemes.

Progress and development live in the transparency of the invisible mist, curiosity is mistaken for prudence and wisdom!

Everything is possible...

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5:13 PM, No comment,

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