Society for the Promotion of Art and Culture

Progress and development, an illusion

When illusions are understood as reality

by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch

When day in and day out it is spoken about progress and developments, it is inevitable to not believe this and see it as a reality.

There is a long way to go to understand this all around as a mistake. It is very difficult, actually impossible to exclude yourself. You are part of the overall system.

The only option is to look at yourself and limit obvious undesirable developments through your own behavior.

To recognize greed in one own self, who can happily admit to that? - You had only wanted to improve a technology, wanted to optimize a process flow, wanted to help the general public through improved medical care.

The chain of wanting to do something can go on endlessly.

-whether new ways are found in the food production in which artificial meat is used and animals that are pumped full with medicines so they do not have to be kept for long,

-whether food is no longer carted over long distances and large amounts and is now replaced by local solutions,

-whether computers are increasingly used in the educational sector to improve the -supposed- educational level,

-whether the mobility is made more environmentally friendly through the use of other energies,

A look at what was originally called culture and which, due to global industrialization, now represents a fantastic civilization, actually prevents us from acknowledging the basic reality of existence: transience!

Through the mutation from childlike belief to supposed solid knowledge, from religion to science, essential basic elements of the unchangeable existence on this planet have been lost and replaced by fictitious numbers. Fiction is reflected, intentionally or unintentionally, in greed and greediness. We assume, that whatever can be numerically outlined, it exists!

At the lowest level there is poverty and hunger - values ​​that are oriented towards the upper levels and the urge and compulsion to reach to the upper levels, with better living conditions. The upper level is supposed to represent the success of a so-called research and development schemes.

Progress and development live in the transparency of the invisible mist, curiosity is mistaken for prudence and wisdom!

Everything is possible...

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 5:13 PM, No comment,

Unique selling proposition

value chain and income-generating measure


Prof Dr Nobert Pintsch / IPC

Art - Craft - Manufacture - Mass Production;

Figures-dolls-puppets and fairytale world of dwarfs, witches, fairies;

between unicum and multicum;

between analogue preservation and digital renewal;

between specialness and sameness.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:28 AM, No comment,

Archiving and Classification

Initiatives are required

by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch / IPC

The need to maintain something in a world of rapid change seems to be growing.

In contrast to this, on the one hand, there is an unpleasant shortage of space and on the other hand, the building itself, is worth preserving; in both the situations, the question of reasonable maintenance and care remains open.

Short term preservation yes, - preserving it long term is another question. - In the current global economic thinking, the latter begins only when new income-generating measures and positions are anticipated.

This process slows down interesting projects even before interest can be aroused; In fact Interest arises only through mass and quick marketing measures and profit expectation, whereby the object itself goes into the background - the fast (industrial and global) success is what counts!

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 10:30 AM, No comment,

Experiments and Experiences with Alternative Techniques and Adapted Building Methods

Background – Examples – Affects / Conclusion

Professor Doctor Norbert Pintsch

Architect, Civil and Industrial Engineer



Various activities were undertaken in the Berlin period by the IPC (Charly, Johnny, etc.), which can be disregarded in the present consideration. A special project was the Power Box, a joint effort between Germany and Malaysia (see: www. ...).

With increasing international activity from 1990, which started in Pakistan and then continued into Cameroon, Colombia, etc., new challenges were encountered in the field of construction methods and technology.


In the TTTC of the AeFeA (NGO) in Pakistan, solar cookers, solar dryers, windmills (Savonius principle), hot water heaters, also a power box, for applications in rural areas and able to be locally produced, i.e. also without electricity and special tools, were made available and accessible not only to the villagers, but also to student visitors for educational purpose.

The objects were made in small quantities, distributed and sold and explained in lectures and workshops - from Adamkot in the south to Bahawalnagar to Abbottabad.

In the case of building methods, foremost the “women's center”, a competition for building samples was carried out, with a jury, awards and an exhibition. Not only experiences from excavations in the ancient city of Harappa by M. Kenoyer (three-layer wall construction used 5000 years ago, today referred to as passive solar architecture) were used, but also tests carried out in the wind tunnel of the TU Berlin before building, in order to ensure natural ventilation and air circulation cycles; The village and the planned development were modeled in accordance with the results of the study.

Different materials were used for the buildings (mud bricks, hollow bricks, solid wall and combinations with insulating material, also upside-down clay pots). The temperature was measured regularly at fixed points in order to use the experiences for later buildings (Lahore, D.I.K.). The experimental buildings in Lahore (PCC and BNU) were financed by the German Embassy and the IPC, the one for DIK (flood victims) by the Rotarians and with the help of the SES. The objects for the flood victims also considered results of developments in adapted technology. The building experiments in the BNU led to establishment of an Institute for Experimental Buildings (IEC, see www. ...).

The requirements for AT (alternative technology) and AB (adapted, climate-friendly construction) were different in Pakistan, Cameroon, Colombia, but similar in prevailing conditions (lack of tools, lack of electricity, etc.).

In Bamenda/Cameroon a permanent exhibition for AT and AB was created in the Center for Adapted Techniques (CAT, NGO), with workshops, lectures and presentations from Douala to Bafoussam to Maroua. A cooperation with the BUST led to the founding of the IAM; CAT's work has received several awards and it has been praised in press articles, the crown was thereby the establishment of RUC / Royal University Centre.

With the support of the then GTZ, as well as the IPC, also with the support of the SES, Misereor, etc., CAT-clubs were established in the districts of the former NW province; the Kids-Club in Bamenda conducted and still conducts environmental workshops, despite the turbulent situation in the English-speaking areas.

In Colombia, TM (ONG) Saboya was able to bring awareness about AT to the people in the town; Through cooperation with a workshop in Chiquinquira, equipment was manufactured for schools (to explain and raise awareness of the students about AT) and remote Fincas (independent of power supply) and introduced for use. A particular success was the branch in Leticia on the Amazon with the assistance of the National University in Bogota (including a course for environmental technology as a run-up to an exhibition in the Museum Leopoldo Rother with material from Germany ). IdEpeT, an institution for like-minded people, was established in project and partner locations. In Colombia, the project work was supported by IPC, DGFK, Misereor and SES.


If one asks about the achievements of the activities outlined, then, according to spectacular reports in the media, they are visible in everyday life. Everyday life includes coping with the normal demands of life and dealing with other developments. People in rural areas in particular are subject to enormous information pressure from the cities. In order to appear open minded, ideas are being adopted which are usually not compatible with the environment. There is a certain tragedy in the subsequent realizations of the townsfolk, whose previous influence on the rural population had already had a negative impact on the environment. A certain traditional conservative attitude can be helpful here, but it will be difficult for the willing and affected to maintain it.

A remarkable example was the experience in a Pakistani village - one lived there, in today's sense very environmentally friendly, was economical with water and fuel! And all this without much dependence on the urban areas.


All in all one can say: Good ideas require the right point in time and a minority that lives what it considers right and environmentally friendly!

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:08 AM, No comment,

Experiments and Experiences with Alternative Techniques and Adapted Building Methods

Background – Examples – Affects / Conclusion

by Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch, IPC, FPAC


Various activities were undertaken in the Berlin period by the IPC (Charly, Johnny, etc.), which can be disregarded in the present consideration. A special project was the Power Box, a joint effort between Germany and Malaysia (see: www. ...).

With increasing international activity from 1990, which started in Pakistan and then continued into Cameroon, Colombia, etc., new challenges were encountered in the field of construction methods and technology.


In the TTTC of the AeFeA (NGO) in Pakistan, solar cookers, solar dryers, windmills (Savonius principle), hot water heaters, also a power box, for applications in rural areas and able to be locally produced, i.e. also without electricity and special tools, were made available and accessible not only to the villagers, but also to student visitors for educational purpose.

The objects were made in small quantities, distributed and sold and explained in lectures and workshops - from Adamkot in the south to Bahawalnagar to Abbottabad.

In the case of building methods, foremost the “women's center”, a competition for building samples was carried out, with a jury, awards and an exhibition. Not only experiences from excavations in the ancient city of Harappa by M. Kenoyer (three-layer wall construction used 5000 years ago, today referred to as passive solar architecture) were used, but also tests carried out in the wind tunnel of the TU Berlin before building, in order to ensure natural ventilation and air circulation cycles; The village and the planned development were modeled in accordance with the results of the study.

Different materials were used for the buildings (mud bricks, hollow bricks, solid wall and combinations with insulating material, also upside-down clay pots). The temperature was measured regularly at fixed points in order to use the experiences for later buildings (Lahore, D.I.K.). The experimental buildings in Lahore (PCC and BNU) were financed by the German Embassy and the IPC, the one for DIK (flood victims) by the Rotarians and with the help of the SES. The objects for the flood victims also considered results of developments in adapted technology. The building experiments in the BNU led to establishment of an Institute for Experimental Buildings (IEC, see www. ...).

The requirements for AT (alternative technology) and AB (adapted, climate-friendly construction) were different in Pakistan, Cameroon, Colombia, but similar in prevailing conditions (lack of tools, lack of electricity, etc.).

In Bamenda/Cameroon a permanent exhibition for AT and AB was created in the Center for Adapted Techniques (CAT, NGO), with workshops, lectures and presentations from Douala to Bafoussam to Maroua. A cooperation with the BUST led to the founding of the IAM; CAT's work has received several awards and it has been praised in press articles, the crown was thereby the establishment of RUC / Royal University Centre.

With the support of the then GTZ, as well as the IPC, also with the support of the SES, Misereor, etc., CAT-clubs were established in the districts of the former NW province; the Kids-Club in Bamenda conducted and still conducts environmental workshops, despite the turbulent situation in the English-speaking areas.

In Colombia, TM (ONG) Saboya was able to bring awareness about AT to the people in the town; Through cooperation with a workshop in Chiquinquira, equipment was manufactured for schools (to explain and raise awareness of the students about AT) and remote Fincas (independent of power supply) and introduced for use. A particular success was the branch in Leticia on the Amazon with the assistance of the National University in Bogota (including a course for environmental technology as a run-up to an exhibition in the Museum Leopoldo Rother with material from Germany ). IdEpeT, an institution for like-minded people, was established in project and partner locations. In Colombia, the project work was supported by IPC, DGFK, Misereor and SES.


If one asks about the achievements of the activities outlined, then, according to spectacular reports in the media, they are visible in everyday life. Everyday life includes coping with the normal demands of life and dealing with other developments. People in rural areas in particular are subject to enormous information pressure from the cities. In order to appear open minded, ideas are being adopted which are usually not compatible with the environment. There is a certain tragedy in the subsequent realizations of the townsfolk, whose previous influence on the rural population had already had a negative impact on the environment. A certain traditional conservative attitude can be helpful here, but it will be difficult for the willing and affected to maintain it.

A remarkable example was the experience in a Pakistani village - one lived there, in today's sense very environmentally friendly, was economical with water and fuel! And all this without much dependence on the urban areas.


All in all one can say: Good ideas require the right point in time and a minority that lives what it considers right and environmentally friendly!

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 8:45 AM, No comment,

Message to the friends of society

Spending-oriented leisure activities

Income-generating measures

A long overdue lesson

to the DGFK societies


Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch / IPC-DGFK

The circle of terminologies is closing!

It is not easy to remain focused in the sea of meaningless terminologies and constantly repeating everyday occurrences.

The progressive fragmentation of society and the consequent development of new terminologies suggests a new development , which however on closer look proves to be merely a changed look.

The past in the form of the old generation seems to be losing its justification.

The youth representing what is still to come is pressing for recognition.

Between them the army of middle-aged persons.

One has to deal with everyday issues, living like a beetle between tree and bark and cannot really do how or what one would like to do.

Awakening, progress and future, these are the battle cries of the army leaders at the zenith of the overview, but they cannot perceive the emerging fog; the mixture of feet on the ground and reaching for the sky prevents this!

While the forefathers understood only the principle of work, in the course of industrialization this evolved into a mixture of working hours and free time, from which non-industrialized countries remained less affected.

Until then, life was still shaped by local character and was actually analogue, but with time it became increasingly international and also affected the less industrialized countries.

Actually escape from the limitation in own country by venturing into foreign lands.

Meanwhile, it is no longer possible to escape from the digital, global village. Even traditional work methods exist lesser and lesser and is iincreasingly infected with occupations of trivialities.

The sense of achievement through well defined tasks exist no longer and they are replaced by occupations that no longer lead to sense of achievement in the traditional sense. Free time exists no longer, the entire time becoming a conglomerate of income-generating measures and expenditure-oriented employments.

Classic profiling is becoming less well known, training and further education is part of consumerism. Despite the calls for growth restrictions, the environment is ruined - not without constant, but quite entertaining Cassandra music.

Nature, for some, a mystical power, for others - they prevail as terminology and pseudo-scientific curiosity occupy the content of their heads ... SEQUITUR ET It goes on and on - Et ca continue, encore et encore - Lo sigue y sigue.

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:06 AM, No comment,

The importance of pse * project initiatives

Lessons in participation and perceptions of the SSI doll project

by Aaron Pinsker and Norbert Pintsch

For the theorist, theory is a merciless work program. Success means having created the appropriate and plausible phrases after doing intensive work. It's a good feeling to live with, mobile and pecuniary!

The society, represented by its heads, leaders, agents, honors this and uses the phrases in good faith and for good things. The country needs keywords!

The representatives, leaders, agents of institutions and organizations need this help in order to become active in their fields.

Even if we don't like it, the reality is quite different and dramatic. The more theory there is, the more theory grows out of it - it is almost like fertilizer; however this fertilizer is of an artificial nature and it sticks more and more to the practical problems , commonly referred to as Practice!

Globalization makes the problem frightening! The theory, actually a tool to understanding the problem on a local and regional scale, is used unknowingly for standardization and that neglects the particularities of the region. It is rather understood to be universally and globally applicable. Why does'nt anybody tell me that?, so the call of a resident of old-people home suffering from dementia!

The seemingly problem solutions are always based on the usefulness. Usefulness is a result of political-social-economic* compulsions, with the additional issue that we lose our feet on the ground. Taking on these compulsions is a mammoth task, which is therefore not touched upon. That would involve too great corrective measures.

There is no reason to leave it at that, there are even solutions available, but they do not fit into the conventional grid; the main reason: the lack of pse * benefits!

Initiatives that benefit the general public are rare. If there are some, then they are politically, economically and religiously based and financed. This means that selflessness in initiatives is practically impossible. A popular question in such rare projects is: Who is funding this? - If the answer is lacking a reference to religion or politics, this unsettles the questioner. It cannot be what cannot be! The participants in such projects have shown that a) there is this attitude of selflessness and b) this unites strangers to the pse * and makes possible what actually does not work for the reasons mentioned.

A tedious job, far from theory, adapted to the local possibilities and the local, traditional culture, which represents the wealth of a region and works even better when the "foreign" participants bring their skills into the effort without appearing to be missionaries!

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:42 AM, No comment,

Digitization is eating away at its creators and helpers

When reality and pseudo-reality alienate each other


Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch / IPC, FPAC, FBTC


Literature and quotations are deliberately avoided here. 

So that it becomes easier to ignore 

One can confidently dedicate oneself to pleasant things of the virtuality. 

The short text is dedicated to the few students and open minds in the RUC.


Sensitive or explosive topics attract interested parties. They want to learn more and the especially the good ones want to have a list of publications in order to control, discard, expose the author of a challenging article, to accuse of unscientific approach, - and by the way to convey; everything is in the best of order, and if not, then it will be soon!
Read more »

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 11:15 AM, No comment,

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