Pakistani Siyasat Ke Razdan Sahafi
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Pakistani Siyasat Ke Razdan Sahafi a book by Mohammad Muzaffar Ali (MMA) - initiator and co-founder of SPARC (Society for the Promotion of Art and Culture) and an inspiration for a whole generation of journalists. Inspite of all the stress of his journalistic tasks, he was always available for events and special projects together with his colleague Anees Yaqub and other members of the SPARC team. What MMA accomplished during his lifetime will always remain as a beacon light for us.
Related: Pakistan slide show
Related: Pakistan slide show
Labels: Books
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 12:31 PM,
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Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch has been working tirelessly on Appropriate Technology in Cameroon, Pakistan and elsewhere.
I have the fortune to be familiar with Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch’s work in Technical Transfer and Training Center (TTTC) for Men in remoe Pakistani Village Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka, Mud Housing Project here in Lahore and also what he has been doing to promote African energy through the use of solar energy with the meaningful and active coopration with Senior Expect Service (SES) Bonn-Germany and Society for the Advancement of Culture (DGFK) Berlin Germany as solutions to Climate Change and adaptation.
Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch has experience with no less than 133 projects since 1976 and each one of them has made a visible difference in more than one ways.
To recognize the work of Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch, the Senate of the Bamenda University of Science and Technology (BUST) on the Nomination of Board of Governors of Industrial and Educational Development Company (INDECO) Ltd have conferred upon Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch the Honorary Title of Doctor of Science with all the Rights and Previleges Thereto Pertaining in Recognation of his tangible Services to the Cause of Appropriate Technology on Feb 19, 2011.
Big congratulations Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch.
Read more »Labels: Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:06 AM,
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Upgrading of Mud Housing
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
After getting honorary degree of Doctor of Science from BUST in Cameroon, Dr. Norbert Pintsch is arriving in Pakistan in March 2011. He is planning to work on Upgrading of Mud Housing, a Workshop with Appropriate Technology on Peerzada Complex and Kite-project in TGD (Electricity through kites) and much more.
Labels: Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:06 AM,
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