Society for the Promotion of Art and Culture

About the marketing of village projects

On the occasion of Prof Norbert Pintsch's visit to Pakistan, intensive talks were held about NGO projects, their functioning and the global difficulties, in view of which efforts were made to encourage private initiatives.

For some time, he and his colleagues have been using the long-standing material for evaluation and scientific workup; interested persons can find a wealth of material for independent and completely new research work in the internet under .

In addition to the contacts and visits to friends and acquaintances, visits were undertaken not only to the NGO AeFeA in the Okara district, but also to PU and LSE, as well as the IML in Lahore.

In a recently created slide show, the many activities for marketing of unique arts and crafts within and outside the country were outlined. They make clear, that NGO projects are not free from market-economy influences, if they are to be successful for all participants. The prerequisite here is however an altruistic attitude as a driving force!

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 3:53 PM, No comment,

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