Society for the Promotion of Art and Culture

Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch lectures in GCU Lahore

Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch (SES) is a German Senior Volunteer who has been working in Pakistan (and in many oher countries) for over quarter Century. Now Pakistan is like his second home (that is why I call him Chaudhry Norbert now). He started working in a remote Punjab village Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka - some 80 Kilometers from Lahore - and over time have made it a model village. His special interests are appropriate technology, preservation of rural culture, housing, handicrafts, communication and information, income generation for rural communities (through self help projects) and promotion of academic coordination.

This time in Pakistan, Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch was invited to Government College University, Lahore where he delivered a lecture on “Open and Closed System of Development Demonstrated Through an Example of a Village Project in Pakistan.”

Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch is a retired Professor, Architect, Engineer, MBA by Profession and presently a social worker who represents German Society for Promotion of Culture.

The DGFK (German Society for Promotion of Culture) was officially registered in 1973 at the district court Berlin-Charlottenburg.

The main activities of the society in the beginning revolved around promotion of culture in its widest sense. About 133 projects were initiated or supported which included projects of art exhibitions, lectures as well as concerts, film projects and festivals.

A number of publications were published and events initiated and organized in Berlin, Germany and other European and Non-European countries.

Since 1990 however, most of the activities of the society are concentrated in the Non-European regions.
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 2:28 PM, No comment,

Special Impact of Housing

By Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch 

How closely these areas are interconnected with each other can be well explained through Anglo-Saxon terms, for example Marketing and Distribution, which are gladly used in many other languages too.

The durability of such expressions is very limited and will be soon history, as we can see on hand for words like hippies. Also yuppies is not much better in this regard. Who knows today terms like DINKS (Double Income No Kids), LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability), or PARKOS (Internet Users Participative Consumers) and LOVOS (Lifestyle of Voluntary Simplicity)! If now, in the context of growing automation of industry, many follow this trend blindly like lemmings in the clouds, it may unsettle many people from older generations but not NERDS (Computer fans), who recognize in it prospect for greater income by dedicating themselves to MINT-Subjects (Maths, Informatics, Natural Sciences, Technology) while at the same time further educating themselves in MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses).
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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:45 AM, No comment,

Radio TV Thatta Kedona

AeFeA (NGO) has been harboring to set up own Radio and Television at the village Thatta Ghulamka Dheroka for a long time. Preparation in this regards are coming up fine and Thatta Kedona is expected to start broadcasting soon. The Community Radio will be another first of its kind and will help create awareness among rural communities of the areas about all relevant fields.

Income generation for people in rural areas based on the traditional culture.

TGD Thatta Ghulamka Dhiroka

BHU: Basic Health Unit

WAC: Women Art Centre

TTTC: Technology  Transfer  and Training Center

AT: Appropriate Technology (Wind Mill, Solar Cooker, a.s.o.)

HC: Handicraft (Dolls and Toys)

PCH: Preservation of Cultural Heritage (one per year)

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posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:36 AM, No comment,

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