Special Impact of Housing
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
How closely these areas are interconnected with each other can be well explained through Anglo-Saxon terms, for example Marketing and Distribution, which are gladly used in many other languages too.
The durability of such expressions is very limited and will be soon history, as we can see on hand for words like hippies. Also yuppies is not much better in this regard. Who knows today terms like DINKS (Double Income No Kids), LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability), or PARKOS (Internet Users Participative Consumers) and LOVOS (Lifestyle of Voluntary Simplicity)! If now, in the context of growing automation of industry, many follow this trend blindly like lemmings in the clouds, it may unsettle many people from older generations but not NERDS (Computer fans), who recognize in it prospect for greater income by dedicating themselves to MINT-Subjects (Maths, Informatics, Natural Sciences, Technology) while at the same time further educating themselves in MOOCS (Massive Open Online Courses).
There will always be mass movements, even if the beginning rather the opposite is intended. Digital expansion from a minority-program can quickly lead to a mass movement, which has nothing to do with intelligence.
A large movement is also the increasing number of senior citizens, of the gentrification, as the result of which the question arises, how can or should one live.
The possibilities hereof are among the Millennials (Generation of Smart Phoners), surely more than the following generations. One can also consider it as an intellectual thinking about forms of living, in future however one will be looking for smaller, autonomous units, to which -as far as the finances are available- units according to individual capabilities as can be assigned. The bourgeois concept of self administered homes will not disappear, but the following generations will find additive solutions, which will restrict lesser and of course will be more uniform in nature.
Smaller units are easier to organize and manage and correspond also to the requirements and concept of a closed system.
The tendency of lesser cooking at home in the wake of more cook books and use of ready foods signals an existential threat for manufacturers of kitchens who would like to retain their work places, only time will show which direction the development takes.
Easily we could here still cite other consumer areas, where the preservation of jobs will stand in the forefront,- but -even if the advocates of Industry 4.0 see it differently, restrictions on oneself and voluntary waiver of luxury will play an important role in the future, if environmental protection and energy conservation should not remain theoretical goals, but must be filled with practical results!
Note: Unfortunately, this process of Industry 10.0 is taking place worldwide!
For Google Searching please
Tags: Prof Dr Pintsch/SES, Prof Dr Pintsch/DGFK, Prof Dr Pintsch/IPC, SPARC-Project.blogspot.com, SPATHcameroon.blogspot.com, SPAETcolombia.blogspot.com, SPOCAbangladesh.blogspot.com, SUTOLsrilanka.blogspot.com, SEMOLiceland.blogspot.com, Fpac-greenmag.blogspot.com
Labels: DGFK, IPC, Prof Dr Norbert Pintsch, SES
posted by S A J Shirazi @ 9:45 AM,
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